Saturday, November 14, 2009

Astraware MoonFighter 1.0 PPC


Astraware "Moonfighter"1.0 for PPC
1 File | RAR | 1.19MB

Moonfighter is a fun gravity-based shoot-em-up that challenges players to pilot their spacecraft around lunar terrains and blast aliens whilst collecting energy spheres to extend their mission time. Players can progress through thousands of Moonfighter levels, each one offering more challenging terrains and more enemy attacks.

While the initial stages are nearly devoid of enemies, things begin getting nasty by the sixth or seventh level of each difficulty level. Simultaneously having your shields at 10%, four enemies onscreen and the cavern floor just a few pixels away makes for some sweaty palms indeed (pun intended)! Unfortunately, unless you are a die-hard shooter aficionado, most players will be like me and probably begin to tire of the game before they can plumb its upper difficulty levels. This simplistic charm that makes the game so accessible also proves to be its downfall. I found the sweet spot to be ~10 to 12 levels in on each difficulty level. Those stages proved challenging enough to give some serious gaming goodness during a lunch break but not difficult enough to make me want to smash my TX! I actually found myself playing the random “Infinite Moons” levels after playing through the training tutorial but prior to playing straight through the insanely difficult Veteran & Ace levels.


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