Saturday, November 14, 2009

Konami Frogger Evolution v1.0.0 for Mobile Phones


Konami Frogger Evolution v1.0.0 for Mobile Phones
S40/S60/Motorola 3x/Samsung/SE K750i/SE K800i | J2ME | 1.9 MB
Accompany the famous frog on a breathtaking journey through the history of this video game classic. In the anniversary edition of Frogger you start with a classic Frogger level of 1981. In the later brain teaser levels, fascinating puzzle tasks are awaiting you, where you will not just have to jump far, but also to think far.

As mankind relentlessly progresses through the centuries, it's almost a given that something else is going to suffer. It's highly likely that as soon as our primitive cavemen ancestors gained sufficient intelligence to invent the wheel, small animal fatalities will have tripled overnight.

The concept of 'road kill' has evolved over the millennia, of course, with our current road traffic system accounting for the untimely deaths of millions of defenceless little creatures every year.

Back in 1981, Konami decided enough was enough.

The Japanese developer created a 'toad-ally' awesome role model for downtrodden wildlife everywhere: Frogger. This delightfully green fellow starred in his own smash hit arcade game in which he dodged traffic, leapt over flowing rivers and won the hearts of arcade gamers worldwide.

Some 25 arduous years later, Konami has decreed that this talented little amphibian deserves a worthy celebration to mark a quarter of a century of avoiding cars and taking rides on passing crocodiles. Thus, we have the shrewdly titled Frogger Evolution.

Those of you 'mature' enough to recall the arcade original will be more than comfortable with the first few levels of this update. The game retains the same core principles of its arcade forebear – get five frogs to their pond-like homes while avoiding various hazards such as motor vehicles, snakes and (oddly) water.

The format of the first few stages involves crossing a busy road and then navigating your way across a river using lily pads, logs and passing crocs (taking extra special care to avoid their gnashing jaws, naturally).

There are new obstacles in the shape of dinosaurs and spike pits, but essentially this is the same addictive beast that swallowed all your pocket money back in the early '80s – no bad thing when you consider that Frogger is held in such high regard that it's even had an episode of the legendary US Sitcom, Seinfeld, devoted to it.

Included are the files for following Mobile Phones:
128x160.v1.0.0.S40v2 J2ME
176x208.v1.0.0.S60v3 J2ME
352x416.v1.0.0.S60v3 J2ME
S60v1 J2ME
Motorola.V3x J2ME
Samsung.E900 J2ME
SE.K750i J2ME
SE.K800i J2ME



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